Frequently Asked Questions

  • Are you officially certified?

    Yes! I am officially graduated and have been working on clients since graduation.

    Functional Diagnostic Nutrition is an official certification and an accredited training program with the American Natural Wellness Coaches Board (ANWCB)

  • Are any of your services covered by insurance?

    In most cases, functional lab tests are considered alternative medicine and not covered under any insurance plans. As a holistic practitioner, I do not provide insurance billing services of any kind, though you may request statements or use receipts to submit to your insurance carrier for reimbursement.

    In most cases, lab fees can be paid front-up using an HSA (health savings account). I have paid for most of our family lab tests using this. If you were to book a package, I would separate the charges for the test kits apart from my practitioner fees. I also encourage you to keep receipts in case of an audit.

    It is hard to have out-of-pocket expenses on your health journey, I’ve been there. Although I will say that it has saved me so much more money, time, and frustration using function lab testing and I wish I would have invested sooner. Your health is important and valuable. You are worth feeling better and the cost of functional care is going to help you get there.

  • How long does it take to see improvement?

    Unfortunately, there is no timeline that works for every client. Diet and lifestyle changes are much more subtle than taking prescription medications, but their results are much more long-term and help restore you. Depending on the severity of the imbalances or the time it’s been taking place holds a huge role in how quickly you will progress.

    Some clients feel wins within just a few weeks and others can take a few months before seeing improvements.

  • Do I have to get testing done to work with you?

    Yes! To not do testing would be a disservice to you and your needs. Yes, we can fix many issues with nutritional and wellness consults but truly to get to the ROOT causes of your health issues or concerns, we need to test. I do not want to just guess!

  • Do you have a payment plan option?

    Yes, I do!

    For Hormonal Harmony you can pay in full or a 6-month payment plan if that makes it easier.