Nourished Motherhood

Nourished Motherhood is a transformative 6-week group coaching program designed with the tools and support to help you re-prioritize your health, restore your metabolism, boost energy, and truly nourish your body in the stress and chaos of motherhood.

Calling all moms ——

Life as a mother is a whirlwind of responsibilities, leaving us feeling overwhelmed and exhausted more often than not. In seasons of stress, it’s easy to neglect ourselves amidst the chaos of daily life.

But what about YOU?
What about your health, body, and mental well-being?

That’s where Nourished Motherhood comes in.

Nourished Motherhood

Your health deserves to be a priority. You deserve REAL, deeper, and concrete answers to what’s going on inside your body. You deserve to be seen, heard and understood.

With adding the HTMA lab test, it gives YOU answers to what your body has been experiencing for the last 3 months.

I see you, mama.

Between kids, work, laundry, dishes, activity, and doctor + therapy appointments - your physical or mental health is put on the back burner daily.

I see you overly stressed, skipping meals, not sleeping, chugging caffeine to stay awake, and spiraling with guilt after going to bed and still feeling like you ‘didn’t do enough’.

Whether you’re a brand new mom or have been for years, you KNOW motherhood is a selfless and exhausting job (but we wouldn’t change it for the world).

—As moms, we take care of and nurture everyone around us. Yet so often, we forget to take care of our own physical and mental health until it’s too late

Not looking at it from a selfish perspective but from a space of wanting to NOURISH and nurture yourself so we can take better care of our family.

It’s time to STOP that pattern for you AND your family. If you’re ready to change the narrative, JOIN US.

Is this you?

  • Are you currently in a stressful season of motherhood?

  • Do you feel like amid work, laundry, dishes, kids’ activity, you neglect your well-being?

  • Do you tend to spiral when you get too stressed?

  • Do you put too much pressure on yourself to “do it all”?

  • Do you feel like when life gets stressful, you see negative effects on your health, marriage, and work life?

  • Do you feel frustrated and overwhelmed daily?

  • Do you tend to feel selfish for doing self-care?

For the mom who wants to change the narrative...

  • from selfishness to NOURISHMENT

  • from exhaustion to VITALITY

  • from overwhelm to MOTIVATION

  • from stress to FEELING IN CONTROL

  • from feeling numb to having TRUE JOY

  • from neglect to BEING NURTURED

The focus on this program will be:

  • Let’s kick dieting and food guilty to the curb. Learn how to pursue genuine nourishment for you and your family that will last. No fads, no tricks, and no crazy expensive ingredients because let’s be honest, as mom we don’t have time for that.

  • With the support of an HTMA functional lab test, we can look at the last 3 months of your body’s metabolic function. It’ll give insight in you mineral status, adrenal + thyroid function, heavy metals, and detoxification.

    With having intake forms and a personalized HTMA, we can zone in on what YOUR body specifically needs support in to get truly nourished.

  • Maybe it’s me, but there are moments in motherhood that can evoke feelings of loneliness or isolation, particularly when faced with unique circumstances such as caring for a disabled child, lacking family support, or dealing with behavioral challenges.

    The purpose of this group is to cultivate a community of women who share similar experiences, aiming to assure each other that we're not alone or losing our minds. Together, we aspire to enhance our well-being and future, not just for ourselves but for our families too.

    Our focus is on nurturing encouragement, accountability, wisdom, and providing a safe space where you can find support during those moments when you feel like giving up—no comparisons or shame, only understanding and solidarity.

  • Rediscover the JOY of cooking through a well-organized, and thoughtfully crafted meal plan, offering a plethora of ideas. Additionally, enjoy the advantages of a structured plan that not only sparks creativity but also simplifies the complexities of daily cooking.

    With access to our coaching community, cultivate a supportive atmosphere where members can share and exchange ideas, recipes, and experiences, enhancing the overall culinary journey.

Nourished Motherhood

If I told you 6 weeks from now, you could feel more educated, confident, and motivated to make you a more nourished mother for your family, would you leap?

what’s included

+ TESTING: A Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis test kit is included in the program to help look at the last 3+ months of your body’s metabolic function, mineral status, adrenal + thyroid function, heavy metals, and detoxification.  

+ PERSONALIZED ROAD MAP: (1) Video Interpretation going over test results and your personalized roadmap focusing on nutrition, lifestyle changes, and supplementation to help support your body best.

+ COMMUNITY + SUPPORT: Group access to a positive community of like-minded women to nurture encouragement, accountability, and wisdom, and provide a safe space for support. There will be daily check-ins to help keep you motivated and connected.

+ Q+A Call: A special Q&A Call with the practitioner to go over your burning questions on all things motherhood, hormones, nutrition, and your personal lingering symptoms.

+ [BONUS] Done For You Meal plan + Recipe Guide: In the chaos of motherhood, having to come up with the mental capacity to meal plan, make a grocery list, and prep food can be a daunting task. I want to make that EASY for you. This meal plan and recipe guide will BOOST your joy in cooking again.

+ [BONUS] Learn To De-Stress Guide: As moms, sometimes we’re in a constant state of stress. Where there is stress, there is cortisol and cortisol can cause hormone imbalances. Learning how to de-stress is important and something vital we should do every day. This Learn to De-Stress Guide is a beginner guide on how we can do that!

frequently asked questions

Q1: Who's it for?

A1: Any mom! Whether you're a stay-at-home, working, pregnant, or trying to conceive, this program is for you to help you prioritize your health.

Q2: What's different about a beta program?

A2: It's hands-on! Your feedback shapes the program, making it a co-creative experience. It also allows you to join the movement for $100 OFF its original price.

Q3: When will we get started?

A3: Once lab results are received (roughly 2 weeks after being sent in), you’ll receive a video interpretation from me with your results + protocol recommendations. THEN we will begin the 6-week program together.

Q4: More questions?

A4: We’d love to help you and answer whatever questions you have, you can email us at