Long story short

I’m a former pharmacy technician working in the medical field who just kept questioning that there HAD to be more to healing and health than just medication after medication. I would see patients come back not feeling better, more frustrated, and more medications. 

Throughout my life, I struggled with my health issues but everything seemed to continue to worsen after having my children. I struggled with severe period pain, eczema, chronic hives, asthma, headaches, fatigue, postpartum depression, anxiety, weight gain, Endometriosis, PCOS, IBS, etc.

Determined to find answers, I researched extensively and learned about functional medicine. I decided to go to school to become a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner and was taught for the first time in my life how the food we eat is vital and how our body systems work together. 

By addressing my health issues I was able to discover a ton of imbalances through functional lab testing like estrogen dominance, cortisol dysregulation, gut pathogens + infections, a sluggish liver, mineral deficiencies, food allergies, mold toxicity, and Lyme

The combination of watching my health transform my own life and starting health coaching clients, I watched it change other women’s lives as well. By enduring the journey that I have, I can now help others. I am passionate about helping other women. 

My goal is to listen to you, educate you, empower you, and encourage you.

Everything changed when…

Despite the period struggles and allergy issues - I was able to live my life. Everything changed after I had my two sons, Ethan and Logan. I was struggling with postpartum depression, anxiety, weight gain, horrible periods, and painful sex. It got to the point where I just couldn’t live normally anymore.

I did what I thought was best and went to specialists. I was diagnosed with PCOS, Endometriosis, and Chronic Hives. I remember asking my OBGYN if I was going to have to suffer for the rest of my life and he looked me in the eye and said, “You will have to be on birth control for the rest of your life to control the symptoms.”

That didn’t sit right with me at the time, but I couldn’t quite put my finger on WHY it didn’t.
Why was this happening?
What was causing all of this?

I couldn’t live like this anymore

I remember looking at myself in the mirror at age 26 and saying this is not what I want for myself. I was on 7 medications + a Xolair shot for Hives. I was also on birth control, an estrogen blocker, metformin, and an anti-depressant to address my hormone issues.

I knew in my soul that there had to be a reason I was struggling so badly. I couldn’t accept that hives just happened for no reason and that I’d be on birth control for the rest of my life.

As a pharmacy technician, I saw it + heard stories of young women my age taking just as many medications as I was and still feeling sick. I wanted more for myself but also for them.

I went into deep research…

I found my answers after digging deeper.

It wasn’t just in my head.
I wasn’t crazy!

I did a ton of research and stumbled upon a functional practitioner course and went all in. For the first time in my life, I learned how the food we eat + our lifestyle sets the tone for our overall health. It literally changed my life!

After running a few functional labs, I found I had so many imbalances that I needed to address like:

-Estrogen Dominance
-Cortisol Dysregulation
-E. Coli + Gut Pathogens + Dysbiosis
-A sluggish liver
-Blocked drainage pathways
-Mineral Deficiencies
-High heavy metals
-Food Allergies
-Mold toxicity

After months of consistency and dedication…

I can say that it has been 100% worth it. My healing journey has been full of ups and downs, twists and turns, good days, and bad days, and learning new things.

I am no longer on ANY medications.
I am no longer dependent on caffeine and afternoon naps to function.
I don’t deal with hives, eczema, or headaches anymore.
I no longer struggle with painful periods.

All without medications say whaaat!

I can FINALLY say I am feeling like a human being again,
a happy wife and mom.

And I want that for YOU too.

..now I want to help you!

Since watching my own journey unfold before me, I am both happy and sad. Sad that I have had to endure years of dead-ends and frustration to get to where I am today, but happy that because of my journey, I can now help others who have suffered in the same way I have.

I have that compassion because I’ve been in your shoes. I am passionate about helping other women who are in the same struggle as I was whether that’s hormone imbalances, digestion issues, thyroid dysfunction, or even chronic hives.

My goal is to listen to you, educate you, empower you, and encourage you. To help balance your hormones, to help heal your gut, to help restore your metabolism, and most of all help you thrive and live the way God intended you to.