Hormonal Harmony

The step-by-step nutrition and lifestyle blueprint is designed to give you more energy, restore your metabolism, fix your periods, and support your hormones naturally.

Hormonal Harmony is a comprehensive self-led program created to empower you with the knowledge and tools to support your hormones.

HH will help you build the foundations necessary to support your wellness as you learn to reconnect with your body and start healing through nutrition, lifestyle changes, and supplementation.

Hormonal Harmony is your one-stop-hormone balancing shop.

We don’t just believe you get to have better periods and balanced hormones,
we’re making it HAPPEN. 

If you are reading this then my guess is you are experiencing one or more of these frustrating symptoms.

I want to make this clear…..

Easy, regular, and cramp-free periods CAN BE YOUR NORM.

  • Heavy or painful periods that make you miss work or plans

  • Extreme moodiness or anxiety during your PMS 

  • Feeling exhausted no matter how many hours you sleep and you’re relying on caffeine

  • Tried every fad diet out there but can’t seem to actually keep the weight off

  • Low sex drive and just can’t “get in the mood” like you used to 

  • Experiencing bloating, constipation, or heartburn

It’s time to…. 

  • Get clear on what your body really needs so you can have balanced hormones all month long

  • Learn how to make nourishing yourself easy, improve your mood, increase your energy, and finally have pain-free periods. 

  • Hormone balance doesn’t have to be complicated… PERIOD.

Check out what others are saying inside HH:

And positive pregnancy tests!!!

I am so grateful for these past months spent working with Stephanie. Stephanie is a practitioner who cares for her clients and began advocating for me to love and care for my body since day one of talking with her. Stephanie devotes herself to addressing root causes, healing symptoms, and my body's specific needs. Stephanie taught me a lot about a healthy relationship with food how to care for my body in ways I was not before, and how to not underestimate giving myself proper sleep, nutrition, and healthy habits.” -

Molly D.

This is for the women that...

  • Have been told all their labs are “normal” despite feeling like crap and knowing something is off

Experience the following symptoms: fatigue, anxiety, moodiness, PMS, heavy/painful periods, low sex drive, brain fog, etc

  • Want to or are currently coming off birth control and want to replenish nutrients, support gut health, and decrease inflammation overall

  • Feel lost and overwhelmed on WHAT to do because no matter what you do, it doesn’t work

  • Don’t feel like themselves anymore. You feel like since having children or getting sick, you’re a ghost of who you were

  • Are living off stress hormones and struggling to actually create energy and feel normal

Do you struggle with it??? 

  • Bad periods, PMS, mood swings, and generally feeling out of control of your hormones

  • Trying different diet plans every few months but nothing seems to stick long-term

  • Googling “hormone balancing supplements” and trial and error a million different option

Are you sick of staying up until midnight asking Dr. Google questions?

I was too and I want you to know you are NOT alone. I’ve been in your shoes and it is not enjoyable. 

It’s time to get rid of the overwhelm, stop wasting your money on these “magic pills”, and actually go through a proven program that actually helps YOU get the results you need. 

Raise your hand if any of this sounds like you… 

1. You are READY FOR A SUSTAINABLE SOLUTION that is NOT birth control or working yourself to the grave with over-exercising and under-eating. 

2. You want a simple approach to nutrition that’s backed by science without all the extreme restrictions or disordered eating. 

3. You crave a root-cause approach to your healing and done with a bandaid solution. You’re sick of spending money on things that don’t work. 

4. You want the education and empowerment of falling back in love with your hormones again. 

Here we take a root-cause approach to balancing your hormones from the inside out.








A root-cause approach is going deeper into the physiology of our female body.

Picture yourself three months from now…

Can you imagine?

  • You had a step-by-step method to improve your periods.

  • You were free from information overwhelm and were taught exactly WHAT TO DO.

  • You got your period and NO drama, cramping, PMS pain, or acne

  • Your cycles came right on time, predictably, and with monthly ovulation optimizing fertility and caring for a positive pregnancy test.

  • You understood how to support the different phases of your menstrual cycle to decrease your PMS and period symptoms.

  • You have the focus and the brain fog has vanished to actually take care of yourself and your family.

  • You know how to give your body more of the minerals it needs to help manage stress, gain more energy, and have better periods in the process.

  • You felt clear & confident in what you’re eating but also knowing it’s NOURISHING for your hormones.

  • You actually had the energy to work, cook meals you enjoy, play with your kids, and even have a hobby you enjoy.

  • You felt secure and confident in your skin.

It doesn’t have to be hard. It can be simple. It can be sustainable. 

Are you ready for this?

Let’s hear from my clients what they are saying…..

It is so worth working with Stephanie. She is one of the most compassionate and kind souls I have had the pleasure of working with. She not only helped me physically but mentally as well, sharing her life experiences that made me feel less like a failure with my own kiddos. With her advice and regimen, I am back to feeling like my normal pre-kid self. You won’t regret it.” -Ashli B.

I created Hormonal Harmony because I was you too…

Starting at age 14, I had awfully painful periods, PMS, and acne. I was on birth control on and off for years with no relief. I got diagnosed with PCOS, Endometriosis, Adenomyosis, and everything that came with it. 
I tried everything. Low carb. Fasting. Eating less. Working out more. Birth Control. Metformin. Letrozole. You name it. 
Fast forward a few years, and I realized that the reason nothing was working was because my metabolism was shot and I was trying to fix the wrong problem. 
NOT my periods are regular, easy, symptom + pain-free and uneventful. All because I took a root cause approach and if I can endure hell and come out the other side, you can too.

If you’re ready to have a clear path to balanced hormones… then this program is for you

Your blueprint is just a click away! 

  • Learn how to balance hormones with nourishment and simple lifestyle strategies - NO MORE quick fixes bad diets or band-aids
  • Make nourishing sustainable and feel confident in your decisions
  • Learn to trust your body, tune in, and work WITH It instead of working against it
  • Understand how your body works as a whole with education on drainage, detoxification, and the lifestyle changes we need to support it 
  • Improve your metabolism + energy 
  • Kick those hormone symptoms to the curb - FOR GOOD
  • Lifestyle access to our course modules + community support

I'm in for this…

This is for you if… 

  1. You want balanced hormones + fix your period for good without going to extremes. You actually want a root-cause approach

  2. You’re ready to get the power back in your hands and feel empowered in your own body. 

  3. You’re ready to put a sustainable process in place that heals your hormones from the inside out. 

  4. You’re ready to put yourself first because you know you can’t keep operating like this… You want to feel and be better

  5. You’re ready to cut through overwhelm and finally be confident in your nutrition + lifestyle behaviors.

The step-by-step nutrition and lifestyle blueprint is designed to specifically give you more energy, restore your metabolism, fix your periods, and support your hormones naturally.

This step-by-step 12-week blueprint gives you CLEAR guidance to help you set up that strong foundation to support your minerals, balance your hormones, and
start f
eeling like your best self again.

Introducing …

Hormonal Harmony

’’Stephanie is one of the best functional practitioners out there. She helped me get back to being the mom I always wanted to be. I experienced intense rage, debilitating fatigue, and some tummy issues. With Stephanie’s guidance, I was able to overcome these obstacles and be the mom I want to be. I am so grateful for being able to get my life back.” - Grateful Client

Welcome Module

Before starting any healing program I think it’s vital to know more about me, my story, and where my passion has come from so we can both know more about each other moving forward! 

Let’s break down the program…

  • Module 1: Rebooting Your Mind

    We need to make sure your hormone healing journey is set up for success by giving you the tools you need going forward by going over the power of your mindset, daily actions, affirmations, and even goals/visions you have.

  • Module 2: Nourishment Basics

    We unpack all the goods of what hormone healing nutrition should look like and how to implement it easily. We walk through basic education like what metabolism is, what healthy really looks like, how to eat, what to eat, macronutrients, and why restrictive diets aren’t working for you.

  • Module 3: Going Deeper with Nutrition

    We’ve got the basics down now we go into more depth by walking through minerals, micro-nutrients, hormone-friendly foods, balancing blood sugar, meal planning + prepping, eating out, eating on the go, eating on a budget, etc… we cover it ALL!

  • Module 4: Blood Sugar Balance

    Blood sugar dysregulation is one of the most common issues I see with all my clients so we designated a whole module to this subject. We’re going deeper into what blood sugar is, how it works, insulin resistance, blood sugar imbalances, and supportive supplements.

  • Module 5: Rest, Recovery + Sleep

    In this module we cover the basics of sleep but go deeper into WHY it’s important for hormone health, circadian rhythm, melatonin + cortisol, what affects our sleep, sleep hygiene and great action steps towards a more restful sleep.

  • Module 6: Stress Reduction + Lifestyle Support

    The number one cause of imbalanced hormones is usually STRESS. Too much stress on our body can cause so many issues that spiral out of control. We will talk about a holistic approach to peel back the layers of your internal or external stress while also making lifestyle shifts to support you AND your hormones.

  • Module 7: Importance of Movement

    Syncing our movement with our cycle is so important as women so in this module we’ll cover movement, how it affects our hormones, benefits of moving, the importance of sweat for our lymphatic system, and how much exercise is recommended.

  • Module 8 Drainage + Detox:

    Systems must be supported if you want your hormones to behave properly. We focus on supporting our liver health and digestive function to keep oestrogen flowing, toxins moving, and the entire body working together.

  • Module 9 Navigating Toxins:

    This module piggy back off drainage + detoxification but it’s more focused on education of toxins on our metabolism, what to look for, and ways to improve our environment in ways that we can control.

  • Module 10 Basics of Gut Health:

    Our gut health is so correlated to our hormone health in more ways than you know. This module will go into our gut health basics, what healthy digestion should look and feel like, how different stressors + food can contribute to symptoms, and also how it correlates with hormone + thyroid health.

  • Module 11 Mastering your hormones:

    The best thing to know about hormones? They’re hardly ever the root cause. This module goes in depth on hormone basics like our menstrual cycle, syncing exercise with our cycle, but also how our hormones metabolism, thyroid, and birth control affect them.

  • Module 12 Smart Supplementation:

    You didn’t think I’d walk you through all the food + lifestyle information and not give you a few tips with supplementation did you? I go over some supplementation basics but also some recommendations to build the nutritional gap, support your body, and work TOGETHER with all the work you’ve done so far. You’ll also get access to my practitioner-grade supplement dispensary and receive 10% off.

“If I could describe my experience working with Stephanie in one word it would be enlightening because it really opened up my eyes to the fact that I am in control of my body/mind. I never really had any knowledge of controlling my health. I thought I did, but all I knew was fad dieting and following trends that were actually terrible for me.”

Hormonal Harmony

Program Options



  • 12-module curriculum with lifetime access

  • A 6-week meal plan

  • Hormone Nourishing Recipe Books with over 100+ recipes

  • Private community for support

  • BONUS: Detox from Birth Control Guide

  • BONUS: Learning to De-Stress Guide



  • Lifestyle access to Hormonal Harmony Course + BONUSES ($349 value)

  • (1) Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis Panel($199 value)

  • (1) Recorded Lab Review Session going over HTMA results + 90-day fully customized protocol ($399 value)

  • Access to our supplement dispensary with a 15% discount

Get started today for $350

“My fatigue slowly changed, decreasing in how heavy my periods were, but the most noticeable was the decrease in tension headaches.” 😊

“My last cycle was a huge improvement!! Minimal cramping, NO PMS, and a lighter flower. Hallelujah!” 😍

This is NOT for you if…

  • Weight loss is your only goal 

  • You don’t have a growth mindset or aren’t committed to changing.

  • You want a quick fix or magic supplement to fix your symptoms.

  • You’re on a vegan diet and not willing to add in animal-rich protein.

You have questions, I have answers..

How long does it take to get through the course?

That depends on YOU. Want to do it fast? You can. Want to do it slowly? Perfect. 
All course content is in video format but easy to digest so you can listen while you're doing dishes, folding laundry, or taking a walk. Total video time is approximately 6 hours.

How do I know this course is for me?

If you have low energy, painful periods, PMS, hormonal mood swings, hormonal acne, and want to improve your symptoms and stop chasing quick fixes and fad diets? It's for you. If you're a busy woman who wants to understand her body, start working WITH it instead of against it, and want hormone balance to finally be clear & simple - it's for you. 

How much time do I need to invest in the program each week? 

While this is a 12-week program, I know you are BUSY, so you can absolutely go at your own pace. However, if you plan on working on one module per week, I would recommend carving out 20-30 minutes per week for lesson reviews, plus additional time for meal planning, grocery shopping, and prep so that you can be successful with your nutrition goals.

How long will I have access?

You'll have lifetime access to the curriculum!

Do you offer refunds? 

Due to the nature of Hormonal Harmony being a downloadable and information-based product, there are no refunds once you start the program.

What if I am still on birth control or want to come off?

If you are on birth control, Hormonal Harmony is still 100% for you. It is important to support your hormones even while on “the pill.” Since birth control depletes certain nutrients, you will gain tools to help you incorporate more of those nutrients into your diet, plus give your gut and liver the support they need!

 If you want to come off birth control, this program is also 100% for you! All of the foundations taught in this program will help you successfully transition off “the pill.” The bonus Detoxing from Birth Control guide will be very helpful. 

Will this program help me lose weight? 

For many of my clients, once they get their hormone issues under control they stop gaining weight, and many of them do notice weight loss. However, this is NOT a weight loss program. The HH is specially designed to help you balance your hormones and heal your metabolism. Any weight loss that occurs is strictly a happy bonus!

Happy to answer and help you step into an empowered decision!

Shoot me a DM on social media or send me an email. Can’t wait to chat!

I still have more Q's!