Promise to help if you do your part

Let’s get you from hormonal chaos to Hormonal Harmony

You want Happy Hormones?

Let’s do it together.

Hormonal Chaos causes…


Period issues where you have to call into work sick every month or cancel going out with your friends because of such severe menstrual camps. Or maybe your PMS and acne come every month with a vengeance no matter what you try. Or maybe you’ve been diagnosed with PCOS or Endo and have been told birth control is your only
option but you feel like
that’s just not right.

Exhaustion and burnout that you just don’t know what to do about. Everyone tells you that being tired as a mom is normal but you just don’t want to live like this anymore. You thought maybe you had thyroid issues or a Vitamin D deficiency causing the burnout but all your labs come back “normal” but truly deep down you know
something else is just off.

Weight loss issues like the inability to lose weight even though you eat chicken and broccoli every day. Or maybe you work out 7 days a week consistently doing cardio + HIIT and haven’t seen results in months yet here your husband eats salad for one day and loses 5 lbs. Or maybe despite you doing all the health things “right” you can’t get results.

You can get answers + tools
on how to BALANCE it all.

You can get the answers you’ve been desperately searching for not only about your hormones but also dig deeper into your immune, digestion, detoxification, minerals, and metabolism.

Working together is for you if…

  • you are feeling overwhelmed by your hormones

  • you are tired of being told birth control is the only option

  • you have severe fatigue even after you’ve slept all night and taken an afternoon nap

  • you are trying all the fat diets but still feel stuck or plateaued with your weight

  • you are suffering from PMS and major mood swings

  • you are diagnosed with PCOS or Endometriosis and leave the doctor’s office feeling helpless

  • your period pain is so debilitating you are curled up on your bed each month

  • you are suffering from random skin rashes and hives during different parts of your cycle

  • you are struggling with cystic acne that you’ve tried to fix but just won’t go away

  • you are experiencing irregular and inconsistent periods and are unable to track it

  • you are exhausted, frustrated, and feel like giving UP in the quest to finally feel like yourself again

Just because your doctor is telling you what you are experiencing is “common”,
doesn’t mean it’s “normal”.

It’s not normal to struggle with…

Chronic fatigue/exhaustion
Crippling period pain + heavy flows
Irregular cycles or amenorrhea
Brain fog
Anxiety or depression
Low libido, hair loss, headaches, or sugar cravings
PCOS, thyroid issues, or Endometriosis
Gut dysfunction like IBS, constipation, or bloating
Skin issues like rashes, hives, rosacea, or eczema


Working together…

My transformative programs like, Hormonal Harmony and VIP 1:1 Coaching provide support and expert guidance to address a wide range of concerns including chronic fatigue, PMS, period pain, anxiety, bloating, constipation, hives, and more.

You’ll gain the tools to develop a healthier relationship with food, guidance on how to heal your metabolism, and effectively manage your stress through nutrition and lifestyle habits.

Together, we will make a plan for lifelong wellness!


We currently offer two program options to meet you where you are at.

  • Hormonal Harmony

    My step-by-step 12-week self-led course blueprint that is designed to give you more energy, restore your metabolism, fix your periods, and support your hormones naturally. HH helps you build the foundations for supporting your hormones and finally find lasting relief from your symptoms.

    Focusing on mindset, hormone nutrition, mineral support, gut health, detoxification, adrenal + thyroid health, stress reduction, sleep, movement, and more. This program covers it all. This is your roadmap to understand the root cause of your hormone symptoms.

  • VIP 1:1 Counseling

    1:1 coaching includes Hormonal Harmony and access to functional lab work to better personalize and deep-dive into the root cause issues.

    I work closely with you offering complete support and guidance for a duration of at least 4-6 months. This gives us an opportunity to get specific on your imbalances, set realistic goals, navigate obstacles + symptoms together, and prioritize your health together.

    Want to get to the root?


The views expressed by Stephanie Peters Wellness are not intended to be a substitute for conventional medical services. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, promptly contact your healthcare provider. We suggest that you continue to work with a qualified medical professional as you engage in our material, products, and services.

No information offered here should be interpreted as a diagnosis of any disease, nor an attempt to treat or prevent or cure any disease or condition.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.